Why use Homefinder UK?
- Homes found for over 1000 households
- Over 50 member local authorities & housing associations
- Personalised case management service
- Experienced and fully trained staff
- Award winning service
- Non–profit scheme
Social housing outside your area, nationwide
Find available council and housing association homes or private rented homes to help meet your housing needs outside of high demand areas - whether you are homeless, rough sleeping, overcrowded or threatened with homelessness.
See all properties
Leave domestic
abuse behind
If you are fleeing a violent or abusive relationship, our case management team will seek to assist you in finding a new home in another part of the country. However, success in obtaining housing cannot be guaranteed.
Read more about Revive England
Over 55 social
housing applicant?
Access a wider choice of retirement social housing which offers secure but independent living to all aged 55 and over. These properties will be restricted to certain parts of the country.
See retirement properties
Wheelchair accessible properties
Find wheelchair accessible properties from different parts of the UK through this ‘Accessible Now’ channel. Properties will be advertised in available areas.
See wheelchair accessible properties
Private rented properties
Can't find social housing properties in your chosen area? Look at private rented properties available at local housing allowance rate via this channel.
See private rented properties
Save money
Save up to £8,000 on temporary accommodation costs per household moved
Case management
Enjoy unlimited moves for one fixed cost and case management support for your homeless cases
50+ local authorities
Connect and share best practices with 50+ local authorities nationwide
Low failure rate
Less than 1% tenancy failure rate – return to originating borough
Additional option
Use Homefinder UK as an additional option in Personal Housing Plans
Reduce pressure
Reduce pressure on your housing waiting list and access extra social housing properties nationwide
Save time
Let your hard-to-let properties within weeks and generate rental income
30,000 applicants
Advertise your hard-to-lets to a database of over 30,000 applicants ready and willing to move
Vetted applicants
Receive vetted applicants based on your property eligibility requirements
Low failure rate
Enjoy less than 1% tenancy failure rate – return to originating borough
Virtual tours
Use a powerful platform to advertise your properties with virtual tours and floor plans
Successful organisation
You are part of a successful organisation of 50+ local authority and housing association members
Unlimited moves
Enjoy unlimited moves for one fixed cost and save thousands of pounds on temporary accommodation costs
Case management
Enjoy complete support to help your homeless or prevention cases find permanent social housing nationwide
National network
Join a unique national network of local authorities and housing associations at our quarterly Steering Group and share best strategies to end homelessness
Free advice
Free advice and extra resources to help you use Homefinder UK to its full potential
Regular reports
Receive regular reports on active cases & successful outcomes
National network
Network with housing professionals from across the UK at our quarterly Steering Group and share best move-on strategies to relieve homelessness