The Ultimate Housing Roadshow


The following event is for local authorities and registered providers only. 

With housing being on the forefront of most conversations, it is important now more than ever to look into all options available to innovate, simplify and support the ever-increasing workload of all housing staff.

With that in mind, Home Connections, House Exchange and Homefinder UK have gotten together to produce The Ultimate Housing Roadshow. Starting in East Midlands, then following in Scotland, this event will focus on mobility across social housing sector, house swapping and various housing software including hope, the Homelessness Reduction Act software. 

Join us at:

Glasgow – 8th of May 2018 – book here

London – 26th of September 2018 – book here


The Ultimate Housing Product Bundles you will get to see and examine at our upcoming roadshow:

1, Comprehensive Social Housing Relocation Options: Homefinder UK and House Exchange.

2, Are you HRA-Ready? hope software & Homefinder UK (with built-in Mutual Exchange)

3, Local Authority setup: Choice Based Lettings/Housing Register

4, Digital by Default: Smartphone Apps/Online E-Forms/Websites/Integration across all platforms

5, Go the extra mile: Housing First & Fraud Detection

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Book your free tickets today. Complimentary lunch included!


hope combines a package of self-service tools that allow the client or member of staff or both parties to participate in the early assessment, diagnosis and prevention of Homelessness.

The service encompasses case management, housing options and preventions plan/s, action planning and recording, a diary and record of meetings and activities together with the integration of existing housing options. Local authorities can manage their workload more effectively and applicants can access their plans and assessments 24x7.

hope can also be integrated with Homefinder UK and House Exchange.

House Exchange is the number one not-for-profit home swapping system in the market, which helps tenants move home by making mutual exchange an easy, viable and effective option. The service enables social landlords to offer greater tenant mobility through a number of unique benefits and offers tenants a choice of homes locally and nationally so they can list their properties wherever they are in the country.