1 bedroom flat to rent

Callow Mount , Sheffield , S14 1PJ

£ 102.56 pw

(£ 444 pcm)

Key facts

  • Property type Flat
  • Number of Bedroom 1 Bedroom
  • Number of Bed space 1 Bed space
  • area icon Area : Sheffield
  • Closing date icon Closing date : 17th September 2024
  • Tenure icon Tenure : Starter tenancy


  • Rent
    £ 69.88
  • Service charge
    £ 32.68
  • Rent frequency : Weekly

Property reference : HF2003600

If you express an interest and do not hear from us within 14 days, then you have not been successful for this property.


Advert number : HF2003600

Floor level Second floor
Opening date 03/09/2024
Closing date 17/09/2024
Accessible housing category D-Easy Access
Adapted No
Parking Communal car park space nearby
Lift Yes
Pet allowed No
Sheltered Yes
Stairs 0
Accessibility information Accessibility details


This is an EXAMPLE property.

We currently do not have properties like this available, but if you are interested in this type of property and this location, express your interest and we will try to obtain similar properties in this location.

Photos used may be of a similar property, and not necessarily the property that is on offer.

Any expression of interest placed for the above property are regarded as interest only.

Properties are normally let unfurnished, without carpets and no white goods.

Please also note that placing an expression of interest on this property does NOT automatically mean that you will receive this property.
