Homefinder UK shortlisted for UK Housing Awards 2020


We are excited to announce that our national mobility scheme have been shortlisted for the UK Housing Award 2020 in the Innovation of the Year - Tenant Services category. Organised by the Chartered Institute of Housing and Inside Housing, the UK Housing Awards recognise and reward the very best in the UK housing sector and we're very proud to receive recognition. 

2019 was a successful year for the scheme: Homefinder UK has partnered with 8 new local authorities, 2 new housing providers, rehoused nearly 200 homeless households and expanded its services to offer personalised case management to relocate domestic abuse survivors through the new Revive project, funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. A life-changer for homeless households, Homefinder UK also supported local authorities to fight homelessness while reducing the costs on temporary accommodation. With the approximately 200 moves achieved in 2019, Homefinder UK has helped LA's to save up an estimated of £1m that would have been spent in emergency accommodation. Homefinder UK is the only scheme of its type in the UK with a focus on moves into harder to let social housing and that offers a case management service to take the pressure of housing officers and frontline staff. To know more, contact [email protected]

The UK Housing Awards winners will be unveiled on Thursday 7th May 2020 at a cerimony held at the Grosvenor Hotel, London. To see the full lists of the finalists, click here.