Homefinder UK - the national mobility scheme


In January 2014, Homefinder UK is pleased to report the first property let through its national housing mobility scheme to a household moving from London to Birmingham and  in the process freeing up a 3-bedroom home in Ealing, West London. 

Homefinder UK creates opportunities for people to find a home that better matches their household size and personal and financial circumstances. The scheme aims to reduce the burden on the public purse where possible or prevent a slide into arrears, debt or further homelessness.  Landlords advertise available properties online and applicants are able to make applications through the website.

The scheme identifies voids and difficult to let properties across the UK to develop partnerships with landlords in order to obtain a mutually beneficial agreement to advertise vacancies.

The scheme offers opportunities for social housing applicants living in areas of high demand to find housing opportunities in more affordable parts of the country.  This includes all mutual exchange opportunities through House Exchange and the national Homeswap Direct service. The scheme also aims to offer those affected by the recent welfare reform changes access to more suitably sized accommodation elsewhere, which in turn will help free up larger homes which can then be used to re-house overcrowded households.

We are very excited to announce that Homefinder UK has now gone live and social housing applicants can now register to move home using the scheme.

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