Homefinder UK helps Ukrainian couple find permanent housing


Homefinder UK celebrates a successful outcome for a family feeling the conflict in Ukraine. The Ukrainian couple received our case management service to find a two-bedroom social housing flat in a retirement housing complex in East London run by Peabody. Previously, they were living in overcrowded conditions with their daughter. 

Brenda Fraser, Homefinder UK's manager, talks about the process of supporting the couple to find permanent social housing:

"When Greenwich council referred the couple to Homefinder UK, our team moved quickly to find a home that met their needs. We are beyond proud to have supported this older couple, who went through so much already, to find a home that offers them independence, easy reach to a care team and integration with the local community."

By supporting her parents to relocate and find a new home, Homefinder UK also helped the daughter improve her living conditions, as her house was no longer overcrowded. She provided this comment on behalf of her parents:

"I am very grateful to Homefinder UK for helping my parents find great housing they can call home. I am also thankful to Greenwich Council and Peabody Housing Association." 


Homefinder UK as a move-on housing option for refugees

Since February, nearly 2000 Ukrainian individuals and families facing homelessness have turned to local authorities for help. To add to the concern in housing provision, 23% of Homes for Ukraine sponsors have said they would not host a Ukrainian for more than six months due to the soaring cost of living.


Are you a local authority committed to preventing homelessness for refugees? 

Homefinder UK can be your move-on route to allow these families to settle in homes across the country. To accommodate larger households, we also provide solutions in the private rented sector with assured shorthold leases for at least 12 months, in addition to our social housing options. Contact us to find out more about Homefinder UK's refugee relocation options.


Are you a refugee seeking assistance to find a new home?

You might be able to use Homefinder UK’s case management service to find available social housing or find a home in the private rented sector with a start tenancy of at least 12 months. Check if you are eligible for our case management support.