Cathy Come Home….an everyday tale


It’s 50 years since Ken Loache’s ground breaking film and the popular media is awash with modern-day stories of homelessness. The UK Parliament is debating a Homelessness Reduction Bill and devolved governments in Scotland and Wales have already changed their homelessness legislation to reduce levels of homelessness.

Some say that councils are not doing enough to find solutions to the rising tide of homelessness across the country. However, Homefinder UK’s latest report shows that more than 110 social landlords across the country have already either joined or are contributing in one way or another to a national service helping victims of domestic violence, homeless households, and tenants find new homes. The mobility scheme called Homefinder UK is proudly non-profit and provides active case management to assist individuals and families find social housing in parts of the country where it’s available.

There is no simple solution to tackling homelessness, but as their recent mover, Marzena says: “Never give up. They will help you find an affordable home anywhere across the UK.”

See Marzena’s case study video: