5th edition of Revive newsletter now available


Welcome to our Revive newsletter! In this edition, you will find the latest updates on our Revive project, advice on how to access this service, updates on upcoming events, useful resources related to domestic abuse and more!


Partnership to provide homes for domestic abuse survivors during COVID-19 crisis

Access to social housing can make a difference between life & death for domestic abuse survivors. We have rehoused over 50 domestic abuse survivors and it is our goal to keep helping those who desperately need to find a new home.  


We are aware of the new risk imposed by the new social distancing measures for those who experience domestic abuse in the UK. We continue to function during this period to provide help for survivors to find new homes and escape the abuse. Organisations can contact us on [email protected] to know how.


Partnership will be a key factor to deliver any support service for domestic abuse survivors and we’re proud to work alongside organisations such as DAHA (Domestic Abuse Alliance), Safer London, Women’s Resource Centre and local Women’s Aid. Our unique case management service will work closely with the applicant and all parties involved throughout the moving process. This service is available for an annual fee. Contact [email protected] for more details.


Latest trends: increased numbers of DA male survivors seeking help & rise in economic abuse cases


We’ve noticed a positive shift as more men called our services willing to leave experiences of abuse behind and to make a new step towards a life without fear. Eight of those have been successfully rehoused. Did you know nearly 800,000 men experienced domestic abuse in the UK in 2018/2019? 


The other trend observed is the increased number of people seeking help to flee economic abuse. Many who experience this type of abuse are left with no resources or face high debts & rent arrears. Our Revive team advocates on their behalf including pleading with local authorities to clear rent arrears, so that applicants get as much support as possible to move on. 



How to get help

How to refer yourself: 
Email [email protected] and provide your name and contact number and the local authority area in which you live. We will be in touch.

How to refer an applicant:

  • Provide the applicant’s details (name, contact number and email address) by email ([email protected]

  • Provide the applicant’s housing status (secure tenancy, temporary accommodation, homeless or private)

  • Give a brief outline of any support needs the applicant may have

  • Provide the applicant’s User ID if registered with Homefinder UK





There is a lot going on with regards to domestic abuse. In this section, we will bring you updates about recent news, other events, and some informative material about domestic abuse!


COVID-19: domestic abuse survivors at higher risk during lockdown


To help slow down the spread of the coronavirus, the Government is advising all people to self-isolate at home, staying away from their places of work and leisure. Unfortunatelly, home is not a safe place for those who are trapped with their abusers, whose actions could be agravatted by the current crisis. Here are the key issues for those experiencing domestic abuse during the current pandemic: http://ow.ly/JN4z50yQYIp.



Essential services for domestic abuse survivors continue to be provided during these unprecedented times! We’ve listed the main points of contact DA victims can reach out to for support:


Refuge’s National Domestic Abuse Helpline for women – 0808 200 0247

RESPECT UK’s Helpline for men - 0808 801 0327

Women's Aid live chat - chat.womensaid.org.uk

GALOP for the National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline - 0800 999 5428




Rail to Refuge: free travel for domestic abuse survivors

Women fleeing an abusive relationship are to be given free train travel under the new “Rail to Refuge” initiative, launched by Women’s Aid in partnership with Southeastern and Great Western Railway. To know more how the initiave works, access: http://ow.ly/4Pie50yR2oj 



Revive seminar in Stockport: postponed until further notice!

Amid concerns related to the coronavirus outbreak, we have decided to postpone our Revive seminar, planned to be held in Stockport on the 2nd April. We’re currently looking into setting a new date and reviewing the possibility to hold this event virtually instead. Now, more than ever, it is important to share ideas and knowledge on how we can support those who need to flee domestic abuse. If you would be interested in participating in this event, email our Marketing Officer, Livia Moura, on [email protected].





Revive is more than a relocation service, it is a project that gives people hope, the chance of a fresh start and a life without fear. It is with a sense of joy and accomplishment, that we share with you some of these success stories – which are our ultimate goals! 



Leaving domestic abuse behind: our new case study video!

This mother of one was living in constant fear knowing her perpetrator knew where to find her and her son. She was introduced to Revive, who helped her move into a new home quickly thanks to their close relationship with Clarion Housing. To watch this case study, follow this link: https://youtu.be/-vCMQc7Hus4 



A story of resilience

Physically abused by his partner and threatened daily by his neighbours, M.F. suffered for a long time until he decided he would no longer endure the abuse. He contacted us expressing the urgent need to move away as he started to fear for his life. As this applicant faced severe trauma, our case manager had to work very closely with him offering support and advice. M.F. now lives in a beautiful 1 bed flat in Bradford.


“I would like to thank Revive from the bottom of my heart. If it wasn't for Revive, I’d have most probably been found dead in that flat”


A story of protection

S.V. experienced different levels of abuse at the hands of her ex-partner. Placed in a refuge local to the area where she used to live, she was constantly afraid her ex-partner would attack her and try to kidnap her daughter at any moment. As protecting her daughter was her main priority, she sought our help to find a new place to live & our case management team made that a reality. 


“I will never forget what the Revive team did for me. My new home is so beautiful, and my daughter is so happy! Now I just need to get her a cat & all her dreams will come true”


Testimonials from our partners:


We’ve been happy and excited to work alongside Brenda and her team to raise awareness of the intrinsic link between domestic abuse & housing & in particular of the Revive Project and all they do. They are committed to partnership working and have done amazing work”, says Gudrun Helevuo-Burnet, CEO of Standing Together Against Domestic Violence.


The advantage with Revive, as part of a national mobility scheme, is that they have far wider access to resources. It is a life-changing project for those who experience domestic abuse and need social housing”, says Peter Ledger, from Homes from Haringey.




Contact the Revive team via email [email protected] or by phone: 0203 823 1072